
Brazil = Beauty

Brazil has been known for their beautiful beaches but we all know that it is best known fot its gorgeous women. The Brazilian Supermodel is nothing new to us I know, but I just couldn't resist this newly appointed Brazilian Top Model named Lais Ribeiro.

Lais Ribeiro is a bit more dark and mysterious than her Brazilian counterparts but her beauty is unmatched. At 19, the 5'11" soon to be Supermodel has strutted for some of the most admired designers during New York Fashion Week and this is only the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if the editors gauked at her beauty instead of at the clothing that they were there to study.

Keep an eye out for Lais, she is sure to be one to watch.


Couture Carrie said...

She is stunning!
Love these runway pics!


Radostina // said...

Nice :)
Thanks for the post. Lais is really pretty.



she's beautiful!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! These runway photos are amazing!

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Anna Jane said...

She certainly is beautiful in a dark and mysterious way, the only thing that annoys me is that her natural shape is obviously very curvy and voluptuous, so I bet she has a very punishing regime to stay that twig-like. Still, I'm loving some of these outfits!

- Anna Jane xxx

Anonymous said...

Well, they ARE really pretty. Whoever goes there admits it :)))

S.Elisabeth said...

She is absolutely stunning. Her skin color and complexion alone!

Maria Tavares said...

She's stunning. Following her work :D

AMIT said...

She is looking wonderful.

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Anonymous said...

Actually, if you look at the statistics, most of Brazil looks like Lais, and not Giselle.