
Special Thank You

I just happened to be on one of my fav blogs, Creature Comforts, when to my pleasant surprise I noticed one of my Elsa Chela pieces. I was floored and I couldn't be more excited. My jewelry was featured on Creature Comforts. So I just wanted to send a special thank you to the wonderful and talented Ez. And to the few people who have'nt checked out the Creature Comforts blog, please do so. You will be hooked.


Bahrain Fashion said...

Wow.. That's great!! I'll check the blog now.. did not know about it!! ;)

Kira Aderne said...

just amazing!

Nubiasnonsense said...

Thats nice, I have to check. nice blog

L said...

i checked that blog its cool thanks for sharing

NICOLE said...


Down Pillow said...

That;s one of my faves, too :)